The words we live by

"I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happiest girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day,
and I believe in miracles."

-Audrey Hephburn

Friday, September 10, 2010

Women Always Must Have...

With all of my new "free" time, I have been able to rediscover my love of cooking. Lately, I have been thinking what does a stocked pantry mean for the modern woman. I have started to come up with a few items that any P&B woman should have on hand.

1. Puff pastry
2. Lemons
3. Chicken stock
4. Vino Verde
5. Tomatoes
6. Eggs
7. Basil
8. Parmesan Cheese
9. Garlic
10.Good quality olive oil